Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Traffic Traffic and more traffic.

This is my life now that I drive– although I am extremely happy to finally have a car pool buddy to share my agony with. This morning we ran into Don on Rt. 4 and thanked him for the use of the trailer to help “B” move this past weekend. We also had a run in with “USA Man” aka “George Clinton” and his bible and lastly the other exciting thing that happened was the Revival at the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church tomorrow at 7:30 with Dr. “BALTIMORE”. If you can’t make that – B will update you on the one around the corner from her house that is taking place next weekend for 4 days…..That could only mean one thing – there are a lot of people ion South County that need to be saved.

On a lighter note – I will be riding the bus tonight if it is raining down Connecticut to my doctor’s office. If it’s not raining I was thinking about running down there. We will see – I can barely walk and I need to be able to at least run 10 miles on Sunday for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler that I signed myself up for as a training run for my upcoming marathon. Don’t tell anyone – I am really just doing it for the t-shirt.

Have a great day! I will be sure to give you tales of the bus – should I happen to ride it tonight.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why I remain childless.....

Fun times today on the Raging Red. Too bad nothing exciting happened when I went to Cleveland Park for lunch. I ride the Chro for the hell of it to have something exciting happen (something exciting always happens) and nothing. Not one thing. So upsetting. I am going to use the following article and ad my two –cents since we know people really care about that.

Dad Accidentally Leaves Baby in Car at Metro
Mar 23rd - 3:36pm

DERWOOD, Md. - A red-faced father has some explaining to do after authorities say he got on the Metro -- completely forgetting his baby daughter was still in the car. (ok, now my dad did this once, although he accidentally forgot to drop my brother off at the babysitters on his way to work so he ended up taking the young lad with him and realized he was in the car when J said “hey dad, you forgot to drop me off” after my father had already gotten all the way there)

Commuters passing through a Shady Grove Metro station parking lot noticed the baby in the parked car around 8 a.m. on Thursday, Montgomery County Police say. (oh….ok. I keep forgetting it is safer in Montgomery County to look in peoples cars and be nosey, unlike P.G. County where you will either (a) have an alarm go off at you immediately upon stepping within 5 feet of the car or (b) will be shot by someone’s cousin who is on car surveillance while the person is at work)

Firefighters opened the car and took the 7-month-old girl to Shady Grove Hospital. Doctors examined the baby and determined she was in good condition. (Just a guess – but this guy is in DEEP SHIT when he gets home)

Representatives from Child Protective Services interviewed the parents and determined that the baby had not been intentionally left alone. Her mother came to pick her up later. (And immediately went to the Circuit Court of Montgomery County and filed separation papers)

While police found the baby, police say a light bulb went off atop Jonathan Sander's head (literally – almost like the light bulb went off when he inseminated his wife and realized he would be a horrible father), and he realized what he had done. He was already in D.C., but grabbed a train back to Shady Grove.

Sander, of North Potomac (of course, he’s rich – he will get a great attorney and get off with probation), was given a citation charging him with leaving a child under age eight unattended. (so you are telling me that once my non-existent child turns 8 I can freely leave the kid in the car instead of toting it around)

Police say Sander is not usually responsible for the girl's childcare arrangements.
The citation carries a penalty of up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail.

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Article can be found at http://wtop.com/?nid=25&sid=734611


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Person Becomes Trapped In Metro Elevator
Fire Personnel Come To Rescue

POSTED: 1:10 pm EST March 14, 2006
UPDATED: 1:35 pm EST March 14, 2006


Metro said one person had to be rescued from an elevator at the Forest Glen Metro Station Tuesday morning.

Metro said the person became trapped at about 9:15 a.m. and was rescued about an hour and a half later.

Personnel from the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Department rescued the person, Metro said.
An investigation is under way to determine what caused the elevator to stop. (my theory – not enough elevator outages all ready)


This is slightly amusing to me. I have never been trapped in an elevator until I started working in DC, and fortunately it was not in a Metro elevator (that’s just lazy) I was only stuck in it was for two minutes. The woman I was trapped with was getting hysterical and I was the one that remained calm. I was just thinking that there probably would have been a death had we been trapped in there for an hour and a half. I would have killed her.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Married to the Sea….Part 2

B is right – so perfect and the above says it all. Especially since it is supposed to be 80 degrees today. I am totally stoked about that – makes you think of BBQ’s in the summer and sitting outside and people watching.

I did happen to stumble onto the BBB last Friday morning and nothing eventful happened. I haven’t rode the damn thing in a month and all I get is some drop dead gorgeous guy with his drop dead gorgeous girlfriend. They looked like the Abercrombie Twins. Needless to say I was very upset with my trip. The ride home faired much better.

B and I drove home and waited an hour for pizza. Yeah – we called ahead but we still had to wait 45 minutes once we got there. It was all worth it – we were carbing up for Saturday’s run, which should have been 12 miles but we cut it back to 5.5 due to the pain in my mouth that needed Akbar’s (the dentist and I are on a first name basis now) assistance. So we did our run, ran to Giant to get Jackson’s expensive meds that he needs injected three times a week and then I dropped $200 on dry-cleaning. I really need to stop waiting until the last minute to get things dry-cleaned. It’s a no win situation because I do that and then I go out because I need new work clothes and end up buying outfits to replace the dirty ones. It always comes back to kick me in the ass. I ended up taking B’ on a tour of Laurel while we were at my dentist – the highlight of the afternoon – the giant liquor store and $7 eyebrow waxes.

Sunday, I spent a good part of the day riding my motorcycle. I got that baby up to 70 MPH and did 40+ miles. I was very proud of myself – first time in the “BIG” roads.!!!

I suppose I should come to terms with the fact that it’s Monday and I am work and actually do something worthwhile.

Happy Warm Weather!


Married to the Sea

http://www.marriedtothesea.com/ Ok, this website is HILARIOUS!! Our faithful readers may recall S posting about a website called http://www.nataliedee.com - this new one is a collaboration of Natalie and Drew, who does http://www.toothpastefordinner.com. The pictures are classic - ENJOY!!

And sorry about the lack of posts - I'm just so tired of riding the 'chro these days: same shizz, different day. People have been more rude that normal lately, and that's just no fun to post about (as you're understanding right now...). But this morning, I did stand on the platform next to a guy who hocked a lugie - yes - onto the tracks. And I didn't think men these days had class - boy was I wrong!! Ha ha

Happy Monday, biatches!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Up high…down low…

“Give a ‘High Five’ to a deserving Metro employee” – (http://www.wmata.com/about/met_news/story.cfm?ID=594) Now, what exactly am I supposed to do with this? Walk up to the little booth, ask the man to come out for a second, then say “Up high!”????? I know, I know, they don’t mean LITERALLY, but still – it’s kinda funny. Do they really think people will fill out the comment card online? And what do the “nominees” get?? So many questions left unanswered – isn’t that typical of the ‘chro?! And who's offended by this picture to the left? I know I am!!

In other news, our girl Randi Miller debuted her ‘chro voice on the Line of Sunshine yesterday morning, to what the Express this morning called “mixed reviews.” What I don’t understand is why The Voice's messages are becoming more detailed. Here are the new messages:

1) *Chime* Doors opening. Step back so customers may exit. When boarding move to the center of the car.

2) *Chime* Step back. Doors closing.

And this one is CLASSIC:

3) (To be played if doors can not close after second message - ha ha.) *Chime* Step back to allow the doors to close.

Um, if the fools didn’t “step back” the first time, why would they do it the second time? And WMATA, just so you know, spending money to re-vamp The Voice will not make for a more pleasant experience – no one listens to The Voice anyway.

Not many more daily ‘chro rides in my future, I’m afraid. This is my last month – I’m in the process of buying a house out in SoMD, should be in by April! But don’t worry – I’m sure S and I will have many good stories involving our daily commute via Jeep/Acura/Pontiac (depending on who’s driving!).

Happy Friday everyone – High Five!


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Could it be…?

I swear Kirk Herbstreit’s little brother was on the ‘chro elevator with me last night. So cute – his cheeks were still rosy! It’s been a while since I’ve seen some hotness on or around the ‘chro, so thank you, Li’l Kirk! Please tell your older brother to just look pretty and not be so annoying this fall!

Oh, and this message is for the “young man” who got on the OC at Rosslyn this morning: NOBODY BUT YOU LIKES DEATH METAL AT 8:30 IN THE MORNING. Seriously, you have headphones for a reason, so don’t turn them into speakers. Sheesh…you totally ruined my ability to enjoy reading about all the crime in this city. Have some respect for your elders! That poor man wearing the fedora next to you must have been miserable. Of course, wearing a fedora will do that to you…

S, you and JJ are in my prayers – tons of kisses for Poo from his Auntie B :)


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


You Are a Little Scary

You've got a nice edge to you. Use it.

Yes I am. And I think that the hoochies in the gym in our building last night should take note of this. It is extremely rude (well to me at least, and ~B~ can vouch for this too), when two ghetto rats come into the gym and insist on yelling and talking smack about everyone they know. Not only are they loud and obnoxious – they were eyeballing everyone in there. At one point I almost turned to them and said – “Girls, you two can stay on the treadmill and lift weights until the sun don’t shine and you will still be fat” or “better not walk too fast, you may strain yourself”. I am angry. I am in there trying to concentrate on my running and lifting and these two are annoying the hell out of me. I could have taken both of them, but then reality set in and I decided that I am actually an adult now so I should behave like one. Maybe next time I will use it to my advantage and ask one of them if I could use them for when I bench press. Welcome to DC – the city of RUDE!
