“Give a ‘High Five’ to a deserving Metro employee” – (http://www.wmata.com/about/met_news/story.cfm?ID=594) Now, what exactly am I supposed to do with this? Walk up to the little booth, ask the man to come out for a second, then say “Up high!”????? I know, I know, they don’t mean LITERALLY, but still – it’s kinda funny. Do they really think people will fill out the comment card online? And what do the “nominees” get?? So many questions left unanswered – isn’t that typical of the ‘chro?! And who's offended by this picture to the left? I know I am!!
In other news, our girl Randi Miller debuted her ‘chro voice on the Line of Sunshine yesterday morning, to what the Express this morning called “mixed reviews.” What I don’t understand is why The Voice's messages are becoming more detailed. Here are the new messages:
1) *Chime* Doors opening. Step back so customers may exit. When boarding move to the center of the car.
2) *Chime* Step back. Doors closing.
And this one is CLASSIC:
3) (To be played if doors can not close after second message - ha ha.) *Chime* Step back to allow the doors to close.
Um, if the fools didn’t “step back” the first time, why would they do it the second time? And WMATA, just so you know, spending money to re-vamp The Voice will not make for a more pleasant experience – no one listens to The Voice anyway.
Not many more daily ‘chro rides in my future, I’m afraid. This is my last month – I’m in the process of buying a house out in SoMD, should be in by April! But don’t worry – I’m sure S and I will have many good stories involving our daily commute via Jeep/Acura/Pontiac (depending on who’s driving!).
Happy Friday everyone – High Five!
I'm still waiting for the new metro voice comment of "To the lady in the third car in the fourth seat to the left, please get the f**k off your cell phone, you're pissing everyone else off!"
Now THAT would get me to feel better about my morning and afternoon commute!
I'm with you, Anon!! If only we didn't live in the PC Capital!!
Ah, gotta love Washington PC! What a magical place it is! One of the only places in america where everyone gets screwed one way or another! :) Too bad I'm sitting on the first floor of the outhouse! :)
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