First things first – I’d like to apologize for taking such an extended “personal leave” from the blog. I don’t really have a reason…I just wanted to apologize. Thank you for your understanding (except MB – you can stuff your sorrys in a sack, mister).
S and I decided to take the ‘chro this morning – we have a gathering to attend after work that more that likely will involve the consumption of a great amount of alcohol, so we’ll need that extra half hour on the train to sober up. S almost gets rammed (and not in the good way) by some biznatch on the road into the parking lot of the Morgan Boulevard of Broken Dreams station. So that sets us off into a rant of “Why you gotta pick on Whitey?” We often discuss this. Once we get into the station, I attempt to add value to my DumbTrip card from a normal fare card. What does the facking machine do? Takes my fare card but doesn’t add value. What the fug is that all about? So that set me off…granted, it was only an extra $1.40, but that’s not the point…
Fairly uneventful ride on the Big Bad Blue, until I spotted…THE LITTLE PERSON. In case you don’t know, I am extremely freaked out by those who are vertically-challenged (there are other things about them that freak me out, but I won’t get into it because I don’t want to piss anybody off more than I already have). To quote Austin Powers: “Small hands…smell like cabbage…” That should be sufficient. I pointed him out to S, but she said she already saw him – no doubt she wanted to prevent me from seeing him, sweetheart that she is, but she should know I can spot them a mile away.
“Tiny” wasn’t enough to distract me from the new noises coming from the speakers of the ‘chro car. I guess they really did change the voice…and the “ding” sound. Now, I know I tend to forget where I am at times (I’m already losing it…), but it sounded like I was already in Vegas this morning – “BINGBONGBINGBONG” – I thought I won the g-d jackpot. Not to mention the extremely loud screeching noise that erupts from the speaker right before the train reaches a stop – either they really need to get bizzy with the WD-40, or they just killed a very large cat who was also scraping his enormous claws down an abnormally large chalkboard. Yes, it was THAT annoying.
Made it to McFearsome Square in record time – enough to hit the SBux at 16th and K for my vanilla latte and S’s black tea (“Ebony…and ivory….living in perfect harmony…”).
Happy Hour Thursday, bitches!
Ah....B! You never cease to amaze me. You are now permitted to take extended leaves of absenses if you produce the goos shizz I just read on a regular basis. Now I must blog on the teacher that CUT the HS student in PG County...WOOT WOOT...PG PRincess in da HIZZOUSE!
Highly entertaining but can you guys also comment on that HORRIBLE woman who does that "Step BACK" she doesn't say please and those horrible bells what is that!?!? Sounds like that crappy instument you played in 3rd grade. They serioulsy need to make some changes. I know you commented before on that woman but did they pick her she is HORRIBLE!
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