Gotta Do Laundry….
Now I may be naïve to the fact of what homeless people do in their everyday lives but this morning I got the surprise of my life when I saw the good ol’ George Clinton look alike walking down Rt. 4 carrying all of his belongings and a container of laundry detergent. Now mind you, I had not had coffee yet and I think I was still half asleep but I did not realize that homeless people did laundry, let alone bought laundry detergent. That shizz is expensive. Anyhow, I will let you know if his USA outfit looks any cleaner tomorrow when I drive past him.
“Theres no right way to do wrong”
Apparently this is the message that one particular church in SE would like to give out to the hood rats in the area.
“The Truth About Hip Hop #3” March 4th at 7:30 PM
I am pissed off that I missed #2. There must be a lot of truth about hip hop for them to have three different seminars on it (can you call that a seminar?).
Ok back to work. In case anyone cares, Jackson fainted again this morning and the only thing we know so far is that he has an abnormal thyroid. Hopefully we will get the results from the heart monitor back soon so our little guy can get better.
Happy Monday Everyone!
Maybe George Clinton wants to do a wash so he can keep "lookin' good for Jesus"!!!
And I think there IS a right way to do wrong...but this is a family-friendly blog...
Family friendly my ass
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