My apologies for not posting yesterday. Was a very busy day, even more so than usual since we had a 4-day weekend. The day started with my forgetting where my stupid Smart Trip card was. I knew it was in one of my gazillion coats that I wore Wednesday, but that was 4 days prior – how the hell was I supposed to remember which coat it was that I was wearing?? At any rate, it dawned on me as I was 15 minutes from home that I was wearing the brown coat (I used my fuzzy memory to run through 4 days of outfits – some days more than one outfit, and finally settled on the light pink twin set and plaid Ann Taylor pants that I had worn – being that they were brown and I had brown shoes in this made complete sense). So I get to the metro station and I am now the proud owner of 2 count it ; 2 Smart Trip Cards….Thanks Metro for attempting to hold my car hostage since you will not let me leave the lot unless I have the friggin piece of plastic.
So on to my train experience; all rides were quite pleasant yesterday. I got to see my buddy Alan in the morning and then had the pleasure of sitting next to Lisa Bonet’s look alike. I kid you not – this girl could have been a double on the Cosby Show. The ride from Morgan Boulevard to McPherson Square on the
BBB ( I needed fresh air) went exceedingly well. There we no odd smells or strange incidents to report.
The ride home went just as well, probably because I did not feel well and I turned up my ipod, got into my book, and ignored everyone around me. Not until I reached my destination did I remember that I was supposed to be silently observing the actions of metro-goers…oops.
This morning – my George Clinton look alike that I mentioned previously had made his way further down Route 4 and has established residency closer to the way I commute every morning. He was hitchhiking this time, maybe he decided that country life was not for him and wanted to head back to MD’s murder capital – Good Ol’ P.G County – and don’t’ knock it because I was raised there and will put a gat in yo ass…..
Gotta go back to work – since technically that is what I am here to do. LATA!