If you want to get to work on time, do everyone a favor and “please stand clear of the doors, thank you.” It is not a new concept people – we are constantly reminded daily (several times) to do just that. Then you all get pissed off when we are off loaded due to door problems. The solution is simple…..idiots!
And if you missed the train the first time around and the doors close on you, please do not take the opportunity when they inevitably open up again because some moron won't "stand clear of the doors" to slink on the train as you are the next moron to cause the problem!!!
At least I've seen it done almost every day I've worked in the city!
Great blog though!
Alec - Thanks for the comment. Hysterical and o'so true. Make sure you fill us in on any excitement and make sure you pass this on to your friends. We all experience the madness :)
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