ok, so we all get this, i know - but why in god's/allah's/bono's name do u think you're going to make it on the train when you're at the top of the escalator and the metro-lady is already saying "doors closing"??? i had just finished working out, expending all my strength, when some charming young lady came barrelling down the escalator. now, i was standing to the right, due to the aforementioned lack of strength to walk down the escalator, as i should be, but this lovely woman still managed to PLOW into me - no, i'm not exagerrating. if it hadn't been for the moving hand-rail, i would've been made into a processed food of some type by those menacing metal teeth on the edge of the escalator stairs. but, to my complete and waaaaay too obvious satisfaction (insert obnoxious laugh *HERE*), my near-killer didn't make her precious train - BBB, if you were wondering. she shot me quite the dirty look, but that just made me laugh louder. at any rate, as i was boarding orange crush, i looked over and saw her boarding into a different car - SHE DIDN'T EVEN NEED TO GET ON THE BIG BAD BLUE!! ah, biatches ain't sheit but hos and tricks...
your friend,
oh barb - you crack me up with your adjectives and the depth of your thoughts and feelings. you are so profound and a wonderful speaker. have you thought about childrens books? maybe a series of educational reads about the proper conduct of the metro station. i can definatley see this in your future, along with that wicked lady coming back with a group of friends like something from west side story snapping their fingers and getting ready to make you pay for that incessant laughing after you so inconsideratly caused her to miss the train she wasn't going to take anyway..... but that's for another day sweetie. good luck!!
*K to the D to the G*
I love it when they rush down the escalator only to stand at the bottom of it while everyone else is trying to get around them. Heeeelllllooooo! Keep moving!
btw...digging your blog! I'm also a Sunshine, Orange Crush and BBB rider and see this stuff happen every day!
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