There will be no fantastic spats of humor from this girl tomorrow. I am using a day to get a muffler for my car, which has become loud and rather embarrassing to drive around. I have put it off way to long. It is screaming for me to get it fixed. So I hope everyone has a great weekend and be sure to fill me in on any fun CHRO’ stories from the weekend.
Lets also remind our counterparts and contributors to not forget to Blog….It is highly unlikely that we can go a day without something exciting happening.
Lately metro is nothing but hell but 4 years ago it was heaven!
4 years ago I had this weird thing happen to me for 4 months straigh every day monday through friday going to work and going home.
The weird thing but cool thing was this:
Everytime I got on teh metro a cute asian girl would sit next to me! For real and not just a different asian person but only Japanese! weird yeah? Wish I could sit there again next to her breathing in those wasabi crunchy peas. She put me in heaven!
Well no all I get is butt fugly women siting next to me! WHY WHY HWY!!!!!
i heart S. My life is incomplete without your metro ramblings today.
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