I am sad, so sad that I actually thought about riding it during lunch for entertainment purposes. I could always “miss the bus” tonight and make someone pick me up at the station. I feel like I have lost a friend - HA!
Ok so not really, but seriously, driving is almost slightly as entertaining as taking the BBB. Especially when you are with your partner in crime and she hates driving. As we made our trek down Pennsylvania Avenue (Rt. 4), we encountered our new place of worship - The Church of Jesus Christ, Inc. Now the sign says we will be celebrating their 75 anniversary (this Sunday) of being a place of worship, although it perplexed me that they would have been “Incorporated” that long. Maybe they needed to snatch up the name before the Church of Jesus Christ, LLC or Corp. stepped to the plate and filed and Articles of Incorporation with DC.
Next we move onto – the Millions More Movement (*Coming Soon*) No actually it was October 15th. Over a month ago. Someone needs to call the Muhammad #4 church and tell them to remove their sign. I do not like to be confused so early in the morning or better yet get my hopes up for something that has already passed.
Third, there was a nice African American gentleman walking on PA. Ave. in S.E. wearing jeans and a jacket and carrying his shiny golf club. First thing that ran through my mind was “I didn’t realize Southeast had country clubs". Maybe there is one there I could afford to join so I could take up golfing.
And last but certainly not least; (I still have to make my way out at lunch to pick up my shoes that decided to lose a heel as I was walking to Connecticut a couple weeks ago – Damn Carlos Santana – stick to guitars pal – your heels snap off) There was my new schizophrenic friend sitting on the steps of a church on 18th Street having a conversation with the stairs. Must have been a good one because he was laughing his ass off. Watch out for this Psych major or I may diagnose you as well.
Back to work…..although I may not be motivated until Wednesday. I cannot wait until Trent posts his celebrity gossip (http://trent.blogspot.com/ ) for the day. So exciting!
Good to have you back. I feel whole again. :)
Jane the Spammer sucks
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