Ok, let me just get it out of the way - GO SEE THIS MOVIE. It's got all my favorite things - love, drugs, music, boozin'...ok, maybe just the last 3 things are my faves, but seriously, it's great. I heart Joaquin and Reese <3 <3
I decided to take the 'chro back home, since it was dark after the movie and I'm afraid of the dark. I'm sure this is the only time I will be able to say this, so savor it with me, won't you:
There was nobody on OC (well, maybe not NOBODY, but you know what I mean...). I actually got a seat (pointless, really, since I only had 3 stops to go...lazy-ass...). However, sitting directly across from me was the Queen of the Trailer Park. Seriously. I don't like to make fun or call people names (wait, YES I do!!), but she was straight-up outta the Park. Her eyeliner was smeared all down her cheeks, she had on tapered(!!) jeans and black shoes that appeared to be heels. To make matters worse, she wouldn't stop staring at me. I scare easily (just ask S and JJ - damn "Saw"...), so I was just waiting for her to jump me for my fake Kate and Nine Wests. To my relief, she got off at VA Square, stumbling her way to the escalator. No lie, I watched her. But anyways, maybe she was staring at me because she'd never seen a clean person before, or maybe because I don't look like one of Poison's groupies on the way home from the night before (no offense to Poision - I heart u, Bret!).
So, not the most exciting trip, but gimmie a break, biatches - it's Sunday, what do you expect? Hope you all went to church - catch ya lates!
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