let me get a few things out of the way - i enjoy going out with my friends after work, causing a little ruckus, behaving badly. hell, i did it last night! i also enjoy riding the metro after - for some reason, it's just more fun after a few cheap beers - it's almost like a ride!! but i digress...last night, after a few at a downtown bar, a friend and i were riding (wheeeee!) orange crush home - he gets off at vienna, so he had much further to go. anyway, we moved to the middle of the car like good little met-chro riders, but couldn't help overhearing the small group of people behind us, sitting near the door. there were 5 of them - 2 were sitting together, 1 by himself, 1 standing and one girl sitting next to someone very obviously not a part of the group (unless she was the den mother...). for starters, standing stan kept leaning over den mother, no doubt making her uncomfortable. home-chica sitting next to den mama kept making out-of-context comments, like "I am a heterosexual," loud enough for everyone to hear. granted, my tact seems to magically disappear after i've been drinking, so i have no doubt i was openly staring - yet, it seemed the rest of the nice folks on our very full car were staring too, and they couldn't have all been a few beers in (or...could they...). my friend and i could hardly contain our laughter at their obnoxiousness. they said something about clarendon ballroom, so i was relieved that they wouldn't be exiting the train with me - my friend confirmed that half got off in clarendon, the rest a few stops down. hmm - looks like a few couldn't hang, eh? tsk, tsk...
to sum up: i'm all about being drunk in public, so i'm hardly one to criticize. however, just like the shouting into the cell phones, please don't tell the world your business (that goes for you, miss heterosexual). you may be in da club gettin' tipsy, but you can control the volume a tad, can't you? and if not, maybe you should put down the mad dog 20-20 and drink some bartles & james instead...just a suggestion...
happy friday everyone!
Apparently, the hetero chicka had a crush on one of the fellas that got off at Clarendon. Sadly, for our free spirited friend, he has a girlfriend (since when does that stop anyone?). She was rather concerned she was being to obvious during the evenings events.
Your count may be a little off as there were at least two lads that remained on with Ms. Lovebunny. They had a rather heated discussion on the days stock activity. And one was impressed with his gain of $75 from the market.
There were a few other funnies...but my joining in the drinking of cheap beers isn't helping me remembe much.
"the friend"
Please take a writing course. Please.
Apologies almighty anonymous. Didn't realize class was in session and I needed to dot my I's and cross my T's.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I almost got B and I killed by attempting to kick a car that was not yeilding to pedestrians. Fun times...
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