I've always been impressed with how clean (most of) the metro stations are, and the metro itself - well, minus the puke-stained carpet and the occasional 40 rolling around. Perfect example: this morning, as I was heading down the first round of escalators at C-house (Courthouse, in case you aren't aware...), I saw a man walking down one escalator cleaning the handrails. No lie. I saw the cleaning products at the bottom of the escalator, sitting on the metal separator - Ajax, Windex, a couple of cloths. At first, I thought he was a homeless man being nice - hey, some of them are really nice, like the guy outside the CVS on Connecticut who always says thank you and God Bless You even if you don't give him any money - but as a turned to gawk (as I've mentioned before, I don't really have much tact) I saw he was wearing the required blue jumpsuit with the Metro insignia. How wonderful - Metro is actually taking a little pride in their escalators. Well, I'll say that and really mean it when I go a day without seeing a "broken" escalator - it's not a ride, people! Jebus...
On a different note, I saw a VERY good-looking boy on the OC (fyi - they're all boys until they prove to me otherwise). He stood right next to me, bumped into me a couple of times, smiled in apology. Aww...he had bootiful blue eyes and a small tuft of white hair on his right sideburn - no, I wasn't committing his looks to memory or anything...but no matter, the boys in my area are too G-town and G-dub - why can't they be REAL, like the boys from Maryland (that one's for you, JJ!!)?!
Ok, speaking of JJ, I have to give my little S a shout - hope she didn't have to gat someone tonight at Addison. She is quite the little G, which is for GANGSTA.
Bye bye from Honky-Town -
Here's to you B! Compliments are often tossed away by many but rarely taken for what they are by few...be not ashamed to feel some admiration but delicately walk the line of over-modesty. It AIN'T about MD it is about being true to what and who you are. Perhaps a persons character should be determined not from whom he says he is, but from how those he touches speaks of him. -JJ
Thanks JJ - you're a MAN, and like I said, don't know too many! Heart ya ALMOST as much as I heart the missus :)
I....I....think I'm gonna be sick.
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