Tuesday, November 22, 2005

That's it

I've had it. No more. I speak of apologizing for bumping into my fellow 'chro riders. This morning, I boarded the pack-'em-in-like-sardines-OC, and was pushed, literally, from behind into a small little person on the other side of the train. I said "OMG - I'm sorry!" and kind of gave a "It's the muddaf-ers behind me" shrug. She smirked, looked me up and down, SMIRKED AGAIN (!!), and turned back around. Beeyatch! Excuse me, but I look cute today, and secondly, I said sorry. So, I made it a point to shuffle my Express in her ear the entire commute - I mean, I prolly could've rested the damned thing on top of her head (don't worry, S, that's not a slam to shorties like you - this beeyatch deserves to be hated on), but I decided that would just be too cruel and unusual. Unfortunately, I noticed that my antics were not winning me any points with the Jude Law-lookalike next to me - whatevs, he's probably a busta like Jude anyways... As I got off the train, I tripped (read: I am Clumsy Clara, seriously) right into Hot Guy #2 for the morning - once again, I said "Sorry 'bout that," and this one looked at me like I had just spoken Eskimo, turned and walked away!! Argh!!

So, in conclusion, I will no longer be apologizing for my unintentional offenses - but I will apologize now for not being able to stick to this promise, since my good manners will probably force me to apologize anyway. A simple "It's ok," "No problem," or even a simple nod-in-recognition is all I ask for. But I guess courtesy is foreign in this city, just like the Eskimo language...

I still love you all (despite this...),

1 comment:

DC Divas said...

Short people rule....HA!

Heart ya! S