Christmas is sneaking up on us! My legs felt like icicles this morning as I was walking from my warm car (nicely heated up to 90 degrees according to the thermostat) to the Morgan Blvd. Station to go stand there and wait for the BBB to show up.
I managed to get on a 4 car train (lucky me) that was having some issues coming to a complete stop as it hurled people around and jerked to a stop. Normally, I would be OK with this, however, not on a packed 4-car train. Did I mention that almost everyone was carrying presents? That just makes it worse. Someone forgot to send me the “Santa Memo” because I left mine at home (good thing too because some of them are alcoholic and I probably would have tapped into them). So I get off at McPherson Square to be greeted by the overly friendly EXPRESS Newspaper man who insists on getting in your face everyday and smiling as he is trying to shove you yet another newspaper. Sorry pal, I already threw mine away. I think from now on I will save it and give it back to him so he gets the point. I also noticed this morning that the same guy that was standing at the top of the escalators yesterday was there again in the same position. One of two things is happening here. He is frozen in that position OR he has taken up residency at Vermont and I. I think it is the latter.
I contemplated driving today but chose not to since I have dinner with the in-laws and their company tonight, and driving would put me home even later than the CHOR' if I leave at 5:30. Besides, this is my last BBB ride until next Tuesday when I return to work. Driving in tomorrow so I can go eat dinner with my girls (compliments of a very nice attorney - T.B.)! Should be an adventure….hopefully I will not have to use any spare quarters on the way home (inside joke). I promise I will be extremely careful and no drinking and driving.
I suppose I will work on concocting the Green Bean Casserole that my mother has insisted that I make instead of cheesecake for Christmas dinner. Should be a memorable event with our “vegetarian dishes and root vegetables” – Don’t ask. We were all specifically instructed to bring something and then she proceeded to give us the rest of the menu in the invite, which sounds like something off the Food Network. Maybe I will refer to her as “Rachel Ray” instead of “Mom” that day – BUT ONLY if she can do it for “$40 a Day” or make it a “30-Minute Meal”
Ok I am out. More later!
So yeah, forgot to send you the Santa memo - SORRY! But aren't you glad you got your present today? Many days of opening presents - it's like you're Jewish!
I used to be Jewish when I worked for the lobbyist.
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