So I felt guilty riding the ‘chro this morning (even after Puffy Coat Girl stuck her coat all up in my face…grrr). I’m still in shock over the strike in New York. Can you even imagine fighting for a cab in NYC right now?? And now, after the city announced the $1M fine per day against the union, the union is planning to appeal, calling the penalty “excessive” (source: The Express, baby!!). Do you mean to tell me they have the NERVE to shout “excessive”? What the F do you call a strike that strands thousands of commuters in one of the largest cities in the world? Um, un-excessive? (I’m sure that’s not a word, but I couldn’t think of anything else – blogger’s-block!) Jebus – I’m glad the union has all that time to put forth an appeal. Good thing they don’t have to deal with the strike or anything…ok, no more, I promise. Just needed a little soap-box time on public transportation.
But speaking of New York, I read to my complete surprise that my beloved Yankees may be acquiring Johnny Damon (I call him Jesus, b/c of the beard…) of the Red Sox. What the?? I guess I’m living in an alternate universe by thinking that loyalty still matters in sports. Silly me, how could I forget that money is the only thing that matters!!! But I should already know that, since I heart the Yankees, right MB?? :)
Sorry for the lack of Orange Crush reports – nothing worth talking about. But I figured I should say something, because I wouldn’t want any of y’all to forget about me!
Peace and hairgrease,
taxi drivers in NYC are now actually on a zone system, similar to us in DC, due to the strike. Big article in the Post about it today, I didn't read it, but I took from the headlines and bi-lines that the drivers are pissed.
Yeah that's all...
Have a merry happy kwanzakanistmas divas!!! Heart you all!
I heart NY! Hee Hee!
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