My question of the day (and I just may have to research this) is……does the District of Columbia Public School System provide buses for the heathens that I ride with in the morning? I do not know what they are teaching them, vocabulary-wise, however I do know that “FUCK” must be on every spelling test given in third through sixth grade. It was so bad amongst these three (maybe middle school) kids that some man repeatedly asked them to “please stop cursing for a little bit” which in turn caused them to became even more belligerent and start saying it over and over again. At some point the conversation finally turned to how someone’s mother cannot stop “havin babies” and “she need to stop cuz she don’t take care of them”. That conversation led to one of the boys (I was trying not to stare – thank god they were sitting behind me) to start talking about how he was going to go to his fathers this weekend and get his check and if he didn’t have it he would stomp him. OMG….WTF is all I have to say.
This one is for you “B” – You would have had a heart attack when the 3.5” midget stepped on the train at Metro Center. HA. I wanted to text you but I would have fallen over because I decided to stand up at L’EnFante Plaza because the woman next to me (I will refer to her as Octopus – wanted to get off). Sad thing was I deliberately sat next to her because I thought she would be one that would be uncomfortable. Little does she know – she now has been given a nickname. Moreover, her arms extending all over the seat and it did not bother me one bit – HA HA HA – yeah right. I did it to myself. I always get squished by big women. They see the tiny little girl and decide that it is ok to sit down (or on) me.
Lastly, (not Chro’ related) as I was walking up K Street this morning, my favorite bum (well I have lots of favorites , but for today…) was flailing his hands wildly in the air because he heard sirens. I almost lost my Starbucks. This leads me to believe that he was traumatized as a child and is having posttraumatic stress disorder. Must have involved sirens. OUT!
Midgets are scaaaaaaaaaaaaary - S, you barely made the cut, but your shining personality won me over. :)
Well, at least your favorite bum greeted you with waving arms. A month or so ago, mine greeted me by taking a dump in the middle of the sidewalk! Ah, gotta love G street! The bums there are the classiest!
One of my other favorites decided to up the anti when it comes to asking for money. It wasn't a shake of the cup or even saying "spare change?" They asked for $10!! Hell, if I had $10 in my pocket I'd give it to you just for having the balls enough to ask me for it! Well, actually, I wouldn't. Probably buy my dog food or something like that. Oh well.
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