Tuesday, December 27, 2005


I should have guessed it would have been a dull day after it only took me 20 minutes to get to Largo – yes, you read right, Largo. No Morgan Blvd. today. I was actually able to park at Largo Town Center, on the 4th floor of the parking garage no less. Trust me – I was just as amazed as everyone else that was able to find a parking space there today. Well I guess the good thing is, I may get home faster that usual because there is no traffic. Possibly, the sooner I can get home to speed up my skin cancer process at the tanning salon and run 2 miles or attempt to as I did yesterday.

So actually yesterday was a good day – got up, ran 2 miles (I guess – I will have to ask my distance tracker AKA my husband the marathon man), cleaned up all the Christmas crap that was out, put it all away, did laundry, tried to clean the house and went to visit my husbands goddaughter. Then I was even feeling domestic so I made dinner. One that I actually was complimented on before my asking “so, honey, how is your dinner?” I was rather impressed with myself if I do say so. In addition, the best part is I refrained from drinking anything with alcohol in it so I could test out my Lunesta so I can see what getting sleep feels like again. Amazing I tell ya. I did not even have the urge to watch Lifetime or CNN in the middle of the night and that NEVER happens. Therefore, Lunesta it is. I heart sleep again. WOOO HOOO – watch out though this could only mean I will become even higher strung that I already am.

So my PIK is in Colorado playing the roll of Ski Bunny – so jealous but at least she took the time to send me an email. She is the bestest in the whole world and we cannot wait till she comes home! Miss ya B!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the Lunesta is working - yay sleep! And no fair with the running yesterday - no WAY I can stand the altitude to run here! Heart u :)