"won't mean anything..." Ah, Gwennie - do you really mean that??? Because it sure meant a lot to the folks on my flight from D/FW to Vail. I've never seen that much collagen mixed with screaming kids in my LIFE. Granted, I should be used to it by now - I'm from that part of Colorado. However, those people aren't. Coloradans don't do collagen. The "family" occupying the 2 rows in front of me - both sides of the aisle - the row across from me, and the row behind me, for a grand total of 21 seats, were exhibiting the perfect example of why natives hate tourists. Up and down, up and down, Mama Designer Jeans (not unlike the $150 S purchased and returned in Vegas, I'm sure) was practically encouraging her brood to ignore the instructions from our flight attendants. The Jamacian nanny was of no help, just staring wide-eyed at the whole scene, but being yelled at by M.D.J. the whole flight for forgetting things. Grrr....and I had forgotten my damn iPod, and b/c of turbulance in the mountains, no beverage service - I couldn't even get drunk and forget about them. Grrr....but the flight did end, unfortunately without my luggage. Perfect end to a PERFECT day. (BTW - my luggage came in on another flight that afternoon, and it got to my parent's house in Glenwood Springs around 8pm - I know y'all were worried!)
Good Christmas - I got the one thing I asked for, my Pumas, and they are SUPER SWEET. I also got some other cool stuff too, like first editions of almost all the Nancy Drew books. Go ahead and say it, S and Boss Man - DORK. Going skiing the rest of the time I'm here - watch out all you touristas in Aspen, I'm gonna run you bitches over! - and drink my beloved Fat Tire Amber Ale, which I cannot get in the Commonwealth, or anywhere on the East Coast. Oh well. But if I was a rich girl...na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na na....I'd have it flown in on my private jet, piloted by my Harijuku girls...
Big shout-outs to Jake the Snake (JJ, that was PAINFUL to type, fyi...) and Clinton Portis for their big wins on Saturday. I hope Jake doesn't blow it...but when they do lose to my Peyton, I will be sad. Peyton, don't be hatin' - that'll be the only time I'll root for another team over you. Promise. I'm gonna have your babies, after all...
Have a great work-week everyone! I'll be thinking of you while I'm on vaca in my beloved home state! BTW - here's a link to info about Glenwood Springs, if y'all are at all interested in my roots: http://www.ci.glenwood-springs.co.us/. Check out the Tourism link...the Hot Springs are stinky, but feel oh-so-good after skiing.
Lata suckas,
B - We miss you! Can't wait till you get back to your other home! Glad you had a great Christmas!
B- glad to know you're still alive! Sorry about the iPod! I got one for JC's bday! Black video! LOVE IT!
Hope to see you on NYE!
How many times do I have to tell you--the only way to make people leave you alone on a flight is advanced delusional schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage!
PS- Johnny Damon will rot in hell.
How could I forget such SAGE advice? I so sorry, MB!
P.S. - He might rot in hell, but at least he'll have a sh*tload of money!! Wait...that won't help him THERE...dammit...
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