I will begin with my ride home last night on the BBB. At the Metro Center Station, this somewhat crazed man charged (literally) onto the train, ripped off his yellow puffy coat and proceeded to read the Business Section of the Washington Post until he departed at Benning Road. As he read his Business Section (potential Stock Broker??...Numbers make me crazy too) he began rocking back and forth and singing while dancing with the newspaper. Very odd. Must be the cold weather.
This morning, I had the pleasure of sitting next to a woman who was playing the (air) drums that Metro provides for its customers with portable MP3 and CD Players. Wish my iPod got me jumpin’ that much in the morning. I knew I was getting old (grrr….January is getting closer as we speak) when I wanted to turn to her and ask her to sit still, like a child.
Gotta finish some last minute Christmas shopping sometime this week. Not looking forward to that at all. I am sure that will be the subject of some of my next encounters. Have a wonderful day. I am sure there will be more on my way home.
S seems to be taking over the old blog here...What's up B and H...can't handle it???
S is just better at this...I'm ready to hang my hat up...
Now I am sad.....Please don't I wont do it alone.
oh, come on hurt...it was supposed to be a call to arms...a pep rally...They can take away your express, but they can't take away your metro!!!
You gals rock...heart u all.
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