What exactly is this picture telling you NOT to do? "Don't drink martinis and get chaufferred around in your limo!"?? Silly Google Images...
Happy Saturday, everyone! Just kickin' it here at S & JJ's house for the weekend - btw guys, the boys are behaving WONDERFULLY, no troubles at all. No 'chro this weekend, but I have been lucky enough to experience the driving techniques of the folks in So. MD - I must say, you're all excellent drunk drivers. Seriously. I went out last night to see Kadee's band play in Deale (#2 on my list of favorite MD town names. #1?? Mayo, of course). S was impressed that I made it to Deale on my own - Kadee gives great directions. I didn't drink too much, since I was afraid of getting lost on the way back and was soooo not in the mood for that - or for getting a DUI/DWI, whatever you get in MD. So I was able to watch a few peeps stumble out of the bar, and get behind the wheel of their car. I pulled out behind them, and was surprised at how well they drive drunk. No joke - I'm not trying to make light of it, really. It's just that I've been trying to master the driving drunk thing for a few years now, only to give up because I preferred taking the 'chro. These people have given me new hope - it CAN be done. Maybe when I move out here, I'll have more time to perfect this golden skill (since beers are only $3, or $2.50 if you get lucky).
Went to the small grocery store this afternoon, Roland's. Oh, and they have a liquor store in the grocery store too - BRILLIANT. That's really all I wanted to say about Roland's.
Well, I'm sure I'll have stories on Monday, since I'll be making the commute on the BBB that day (hopefully from Morgan Blvd - not sure I'm ready for the ghetto of Addison). Stay tuned!
"I think I'm drunk enough to drive you home now
I'll keep my mouth kept shut from under lock and key
That's rusted firm, no lie
'Cause all these conversations wind on and on...."
Champagne in a Paper Cup
Death Cab For Cutie
hey B- thanks for the shout out! the reason we can drink n drive like professionals down in SoCo is b/c our parents taught us from the age of 12! gotta learn 'em young! besides, with like 5 barsliquor stores in a 20 min drive, it's a necessity.
See ya next time,
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