Not a metro story but just felt like writing. I am trying to figure out why the holidays make people crazy. I was reading the paper this morning and two things grabbed my attention. The man that killed his 63-year-old wife and then shot himself (he was 58). Now I know that women can be a pain in the ass, trust me I am a pain in the ass (at least I can admit it). And I am fairly sure my husband loves me enough not to kill me, although he has said he was going to beat me (can you blame him?). But for Christ’s sake – this guy could have at least waited until after the New Year. Why fuck up the holidays for everyone. Just fuck up the New Year. Decide that should be your resolution and bring the New Year in with a bang. HA…ok not funny.
The second little news tid bit that stood out to me was the guy who took his box cutter into CVS in Annapolis and stole 500 bottles of Body Wash. It looks like someone needed to do a little last minute Christmas shopping (aka, thieving?) and was getting stocking stuffers. What gets me is it was CVS brand…. come on now, why the hell do you think they have Bath and Body Works and the Body Shop. Believe me, I am not condoning theft but I used to work at Express which had a Bath and Body Works attached and you saw people steal that stuff all the time. Go threaten a Limited employee with a box cutter – bet she will let you take whatever you want.
Ok, now I am scaring myself. I don’t want to turn into a “CHRISTMAS CRAZY” myself. Need to finish up some last minute shopping today for my wonderful husband (no, sorry honey, I want that plasma as much as you do but we will have to wait. I also thought about surprising you with a motorcycle but we have nowhere to put that either, so we will just have to get our bikes together in the spring).
I guess I will just have to suck it up and pay the exorbitant amount of online shipping – but who cares – better late than never. I also have to do Christmas cards, now that the majority of mine came in I know who to send them too (ha!). So I am out. More tomorrow. Mondays on the Metro is always an adventure.
1 comment:
"...with a bang" - HA!! you are one funny muthafukka.
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