Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Entertainment, I think not

While I find it only fitting (I rode the metro at lunch today) to comment on this interesting piece of news below. I would also like to comment that I refused to bring it back because it was not worth my $1.85 to have to walk down two escalators because they were not working. Besides, I needed to cool off after I got caught up in a protest in front of Winston and Straughn, my destination.

Metro Board To Consider Entertainment Program
Performances Would Be Outdoors
POSTED: 6:03 am EST December 5, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Metro may soon be a place for music, theater, dance and other art forms, in addition to the daily commute. (Great, another added distraction for tourists)

A proposal is going to Metro's board of directors that would allow entertainment at Metro stations for the first time. (Wait, backup. We have had performances all along – the Chinese violin guy, the quartet that dresses up, the guy with the electric guitar and several others)

Performances would be outdoors and only at designated station entrances from April to October. They would take place mostly during lunchtime hours and at the end of the day. Metro's manager in charge of the Art in Transit program, Michael McBride, said commuters are too focused on getting to work to have entertainment added in the morning. (Miracle – they are finally making sense)

The nation's second-busiest subway system is one of the few that prohibit entertainment inside stations. (No, another smart move on Metro’s part and believe me I rarely commend them on anything.)

The idea is to have local arts councils choose performers. They would be paid by the arts councils, not Metro. (yes, because if Metro were to choose I am sure it would be horrible along with their other poor choices (seating, signage, etc.)

Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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