DC peeps crack me up – they don’t know what to do in bad weather. They look at snow like it’s some foreign object from Pluto, or worse, West Virginia. Perfect example was this morning, as I was walking to C-house – yes, I was cold, but I grew up in Colorado so I’m not allowed to bitch. I saw a man walking his dog, wearing a snowsuit – yes, a snowsuit, with the puffy legs and arms, like the kid in “A Christmas Story” (remember Randy? “I can’t put my arms down!” HA). I laughed out loud, but don’t worry, the insulation from his suit muffeled my laughter.
I proceeded into the C-house station, and as I made my way down to the platform, I encountered a whole mess ‘o people. Shiznit – that meant a delay. I looked up at the marquee thingy that lists the time before the next train, and dammit if that wasn’t the longest 5 minutes I’ve waited for a train. Why do they even put the time up there if it’s not accurate?? Whatevs. Train #1 came – I stood out of the way to avoid being trampled, because the crazy Arlingtonians WILL kill anything in their path to get on a train (S will affirm this – I’ve only made her ride into work from my house once, and I’m sure she’ll never do it again!). As I watched a tiny girl of the Asian Persuasion cram her way on between some guy’s legs as the doors closed, I sighed. Train #2 approached – same scenario, except this time, a man walked away from the crammed train throwing out expletives – I swear, tourrettes, no lie.
As Train #3 approached, it appeared fairly empty, so I boarded this time. Except there was a woman in a wheelchair near the doors with a dog. Help me out – why the dog too? She was reading – not Braille – so I don’t think she was blind. Anyways, she was close to the door on the opposite side, and her dog was on her left side, by the door. Some A**HOLE squeezed his way around me to be in that space, practically stepping on the poor dog. Punk. Then, when the train stopped at FogBot, a guy with crutches hobbled off the train – WTF, was I riding the ShortTrain to work?? Tourrettes, wheelchair, crutches – all on my train. It was a doozy, folks.
Well, here’s to hoping that a workout will pass enough time for me to avoid the rush after work. Regardless, I’m sure there will be a story to tell. Stay tuned, my little monkeys!
I love it B! Great job! Did you see any "COON HATS" and kids with red hair and freakles? That would have topped it off.
I'm confused...who was wearing the snow suit, the guy or the dog?
Now if the DOG was the one wearing the suit, THAT would have been serious comedy right there! And not to mention if they were both wearing suits! "We'll be right back, dear. Gotta take the dog out to go to the bathroom". 30 min. pass. "Um...we're still getting dressed."
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