There’s nothing like waiting 65 minutes for a bar table at the restaurant that’s at the bottom of your building, only to be smashed into a corner because the guy at the table next to you insists on scooting his chair back as far as possible. I LOVE THE CITY! The chivalry, the consideration for others…it’s outstanding here. At least I got my expensive cheeseburger (split it with H, of course – I’m not a pig, unless we’re talking about sushi, right S and JJ??) and pinot noir.
After that waiting experience, I never expected to wait for the ‘chro at 8pm on a Wednesday at rush hour-busy station. I soon found out that there was a power outage at Eastern Market, thus causing a delay in both directions. No offense to New Carrollton/Largo peeps, but all I care about is VIENNA. Yeah. Call me selfish – won’t be the first time! So, instead of crushing the sardines further into the train as the other peeps did, I decided to wait for the next OC. Please answer me this: Why do they tell you there’s a delay, but give you no sort of time-line as to when the next train will be pulling through?? And to top it all off, the “Voice” that tells the station of the delay sounded pre-recorded. What the?? I mean, c’mon – I’m suspicious of too many things in my life to start doubting the Voice. Mr. Intercom Man, I love you – why must you betray me??
Since the next OC was 12 minutes out, I decided to board the incoming BBB – I figured I might as well have a comfortable ride to Ross, then jump on the OC for a one-stop, sardine-filled ride to C-house. However, when I de-boarded at Ross, I checked the racing board – OC to Vienna: 1 minute. W……T……..F??????????? Is my timing so f’ed up?? But, I couldn’t complain once the train pulled into Ross, because it was EMPTY. Yay!!! After a 30-minute wait, I somehow managed to have a pleasant ride home.
In closing, thank you, OC/BBB, for working together to provide me with a pleasant commute. And Mr. Intercom Man? If you clean up your act, you might get some this weekend. ;)
I wish I would have rode the train yesterday after the commute home last night and closing of ZOOland Parkway.
I wish I would have rode the train yesterday after the commute home last night and closing of ZOOland Parkway.
True dat yo - you were all up in da hood last night!
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