“This is a Metro safety tip: Please take a moment to look up from your newspapers and Blackberry devices to make yourself aware of your surroundings.”
Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t realize I was on patrol for Metro. My mama always told me this “Metro Safety Tip” DO NOT, whatever you do LOOK directly at ANYONE in the eye, unless you do not value your life. This always made sense to me. I have enough people staring at me, why would I want to stare at anyone else. Its bad enough that I have to clench my fists and bite my tongue when I see people staring at me to avoid opening my mouth – which I tend to so gracefully do on occasion (more so after several Sapphire and club sodas).
“Please be advised that there are red emergency call boxes at the end of each car; please only use them in emergency.”
This little “tip” prompted the elderly man next to me to turn his head around like a giraffe and scan the car. Needless to say – we were sitting at the wrong end of the car. Do you think it would have been rude if I looked up from my book (oops, forgot I was supposed to be scanning my surroundings) and told him to look behind him. Probably so.
“In the event of an emergency please remain calm and follow the direction of Metro employees”
HA! Come on now. Do you think that will really happen? Think about it – it NEVER happens. Especially in DC. Everyone does his or her own thing with no regards to anyone else.
So there you have it. This is what I learned this morning. Good thing I didn’t feel like listening to my iPod and instead spent my time paying attention to the train conductor.
You're such a safety-conscious gal! And please - like the old giraffe-man would actually bolt for the phone in the event of an emergency. There are no elderly superheros!
Sorry bout your Nine Wests
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