I still have yet to grace metro bus riders throughout DC with my presence and this article I found on WTOP.com confirms that I will not be doing so anytime in the near future “Metro Bus Passenger Wounded During Robbery” http://wtop.com/?nid=25&sid=680897.
In case you were wondering my secret wise sources tell me that the bus pictured to the left is either the L2 or the L4 which would be my bus route of choice (to the “doctor”) that drives down hoity toity Connecticut Avenue (I am sure I would be safe – I don’t own any Chanel or Prada – “YET” so no one would be interested in my most expensive piece of clothing being the Anne Taylor suit(s) that I own).
On one final "random" note - As I was driving home from the "doctor" mentioned above last night - to my surprise Suitland Parkway was closed between Alabama Avenue and Naylor Road - forcing me to take a detour down Minnesota Avenue to get back on Alabama and then proceed to Naylor Road and then back on Suitland Parkway. Two things were learned during this detour - It should be legal to talk to your best friend on the phone while driving through the ghettos of S.E., DC so she can hear you say "uh look, police activity, oh shit! surroundiong the car and guns are drawn", and two - I am now the master of the DC ghetto backroads in case further detours happen.
1 comment:
That's why they call it the Zoo-land Parkway! And may I say, I was impressed by your composure as you were relaying the events to me over the phone - you're so graceful under pressure! <3
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