Saturday, January 14, 2006

Shout out to my C-Dawg….(the marathon trainer, lumber hustler, or whatever the hell else you decide to be....)

My (our) loyal reader everyday (so I hear)…..Chris the Greek Rocks the hizzouse! As I sit here waitching the Redskins Game with John I keep thinking that at any minute you will call and pull him together. He has been giddy for a week….control him C-Dawg! We’ll see – Hopefully the “Skins” will pull through – or we will all be taking care of JJ tomorrow and until the next season.


Anonymous said...

I so sorry JJ - I really am! Guess you'll be rooting for my Mountain Man now, eh?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shoutout "S" Yeah the game was a huge dissapointment but theres always next year and Thanks to
JJ for helping me at work by getting my illin ass home.