Man, I came close a few times this morning – no, not to stealing someone’s purse, but to having mine stolen. Someone grabbed onto my purse at every stop – mind you, I only have 3 stops into work, but still. Maybe I should make a sign and tack it to my purse: “This is NOT a safety device, please do NOT grab onto it!” I swear, it was as if people thought my purse was a pole. WTF, mates?? To top it off, each time I yanked my purse out of someone’s grasp, they had the nerve to sneer at me. Yes, I actually saw people sneer. What the hell? I wasn’t hogging the pole or leaning into someone (Why do people do that? Why? I don’t even let my friends lean on me – except when they’re not strong…hee hee). As S said, good thing it was morning and I hadn’t had anything to drink, or I would’ve opened my big mouth to say something off-color.
I guess it was just a bad morning on the OC – haven’t had one in a while, so I should be oh-so-lucky, I know. Still, the nerve of people! Well, I’ll be prepared next time – as Mr. T says, “I pity the fool who grabs my purse!” What, you got somethin’ to say? “Shuddup, fool!”
"don't make me mad, grrrrrr"
Way to go B!
Don't worry I am not that awful Anonymous person who left a comment before. Totally rude by the way. Just wanted to say you guys make me laugh. And I totally felt your pain on the OC today. I think everyone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I am tall and I felt really bad I almost knocked over a smaller girl. I swear she gave me the look of death! I mean really was that necessary! I was already sweating in my pea coat and squished up next to some tool bag who kept staring at my blouse that was about to pop open. (Could not be helped, gym bag was pulling at my shirt.)
Anyway, I think everyone on the OC needs to take a freakin nice pill before the ride home tonight.
Thanks for all the entertainment!
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