No pictures of Colorado to post, since I can’t find my Kodak Picture CD. I’m hoping I left it at S’s house – my hangover on Sunday prolly prevented me from gathering all my belongings (even though S did manage to sneak in a grocery-trip’s worth of food into my bag – thanks babe! The garlic bread is super-delicious!). I was witness to S’s face-plant – it was as though she was in slow-motion, very bizarre – and I did help her up, but b/c of my wine-infused drunkenness I just pushed her into the bathroom to clean up her lip herself – luckily, JJ came to the rescue. Sorry S – that wasn’t very nice of me. I think I was wondering why I didn’t have a drink in my hand, since I had all night…anyway, face deformity and all, S, you’ll always be beautiful to me. J The party was a big success, and our little S is quite the little hostess. Yay!
I can say that today I had a very pleasant ‘chro ride. The OC was practically a ghost-town, which was fine by me – I think it even made the heathens more pleasant, b/c I actually got a compliment on my new iPod case (thanks S, I heart my Kate!). However, the smooth commute ended when I got off at Farragut West and was obviously the only person who didn’t know that the 17th Street exit was closed, b/c it was a holiday. Oh, and I was also the only person who didn’t know it was a HOLIDAY. Jebus, wtf is wrong with me? I think I was still drunk this morning, so I blame some of it on that. Did I drink last night, you ask? No, but I think I drank enough on Saturday for it to be possible…I second S’s resolution #1.
Well, the college football season comes to a close on Wednesday night, and that’ll leave a HUGE hole in my Saturday afternoons/evenings. I am so happy that TCU managed to pull it off on Saturday – they nearly gave me a heart attack. Thank Jebus the NFL playoffs are this weekend, with games on Saturday. Ok, this is bad – I sound like a man, and that’s no way to land one now, is it?? How about this: I’m looking forward to having my Saturdays free to shop. Yeah…shop…that’s it…
Go Fightin’ Irish, Go West Virginia, Go Penn and Go Texas. I think that covers the BCS Bowls. Don’t ask about the NFL Playoffs – my team(s) don’t play this weekend, so I don’t really care - except for you, Carson Palmer – how come I’m just now noticing how HOT you are???!!!! Are you interested in an older woman? Yeah yeah, only by 2 months, but whatevs. What's with me and QBs??
I’m out – all this talk of Carson is too much, and I feel like I’m somehow cheating on Peyton. S’ok, I know I live in a dream world, but that’s the only way I maintain my sanity. Just ask my friends.
Word to your mutha.
I thought this blog was about riding the metro...can you get back to that?
She mentioned it....cut the girl some slack.....jeez!
so sorry, anonymous...can't win for losing, sometimes...
And thanks for getting my back, S - heart u!!
Always - Anon...better watch out or they may get a "F U" and a bottle opener to the lip. HA!
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