Well, once again, the ‘Chro has stumped me. Can anyone explain why, on a Friday night, they run the trains 13 MINUTES APART?? WMATA isn’t stupid – I know they know that the young folk of our great city venture out late on the weekend nights to partake in drink with friends, sometimes until a late hour. So why would they, at Metro Center no less, space the BBB and OC trains 13 minutes apart? Isn’t that a little overly cautious?? I suppose I only have myself to blame: I had no companion, no book, no iPod. And as bold as I may be after a few cocktails, no way in hell I’m talking to a stranger on the ‘Chro. Why I’d do it at a bar, on the other hand, is beyond me…see? I don’t even understand MYSELF.
I had the pleasure of riding the OC home with 2 couples and their single friend. They all appeared to be in their mid-30s, and kind of the way I picture myself being at that age: still going out with friends, but leaving at a decent hour. But I invariably became depressed (just slightly), when I realized that the single friend…was…ME. Yes, I know, ridicurous, but still….my four dearest friends happen to be 2 couples – will that be ME in 10 years? Will that be US?? Eh, prolly not – I am a much better dresser than that single friend was (and, if I may be so bold, so much hotter), no way I’ll still be single by that age…RIGHT??!!!!!?? Or maybe I was just jealous because they all had someone to talk to…hee hee…
Go Skins! Good luck today. I’m rooting for them b/c I loath Chris Simms. Well, maybe that’s a little…harsh. But I really don’t care for him. He thinks everything should be handed to him on a silver platter…but I digress…
Happy weekend, everyone! Hopefully my sis-in-law will pop my nephew out soon! Poor thing has been in the hospital since yesterday early morning. C’mon, Aidan, we’re ready for ya, bub!
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