Wow – I found the answer to something and in the craziest place – in a tunnel while stopped in a train between Smithsonian and Federal Triangle. This nice little message was scrolled into the concrete inside the tunnel. Now I must spend the rest of the day pondering how on earth it got there. The explanation I came up with while staring at it for 2 minutes was that someone was trapped in the tunnel and that was their only hope. Now you all know I have a vivid imagination so I am sure I will come up with a better explanation than that after I sit here and think about it for a while.
On a totally separate note. I know HATE is a strong word and we should not use it, but do not fuck with me until I get my coffee in the morning and at least get a couple sips down. This coffee thing was just reintroduced into my life recently and I am enjoying the addiction again. Here’s a message to you STARBUCKS milk filler upper or whatever you are – GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY so I can get my Splenda packets. Take the milk containers elsewhere and fill them. GRRRRR!
Happy Tuesday everyone! (Well it is now that I have downed half of my tall drip)
I hate that damn milkmaid too. Maybe you should tell HER that Christ is the Answer, not milk.
God, I love that you and coffee have found each other again. I heart you both, okay well I do heart you a little more.
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