Use you imagination as to how my ride home last night went. I will say one thing – 16 year olds SHOULD NOT BEAR CHILDREN.
For the LITERATE - the following is a public service announcement compliments of (http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/sexinfo/print.php?article=contraception&refid=004), with a few of my own comments added in red.
About Birth Control Pills
Birth control pills are oral contraceptives that are extremely effective at preventing pregnancy. (Please take that into consideration when you become sexually active, for your sake, but mostly for mine and metro patrons throughout the DC area). They do this by either preventing ovulation, thickening the cervical mucous, or changing the endometrial lining of the uterus. There are two main types of birth control pills: combination pills and progestin-only pills.
What Do Birth Control Pills Look Like?
Birth control pills come in packages that contain one month’s supply of pills. They either come in 28-day packs or 21-day packs.
The 28-day packages come with three weeks worth of “active pills” and one week’s worth of “inactive”, or reminder, pills. The active pills are the pills that actually contain the hormones that prevent pregnancy. The only function of the inactive, or reminder pills, is to keep you on track so that you start your next pack on time.
The 21-day packages only contain active pills. When you finish the pack you must wait seven days before starting the next pack. (You can even accessorize them with rhinestones and fancy designer packs....ha)
How to Use
Birth control pills are most effective when taken at the same time every day. This can be especially important because some types of birth control pills are more time sensitive than others. (Please don't forget...please, I am begging!)
When To Start Taking The Pill?
There are two different ways to start taking the pill. You can either start taking them on the first day of your period (first-day starters), or on the first Sunday after your period starts (Sunday-starters). If you are a Sunday-starter and your period starts on a Sunday then you should take the first the pill then, not a week later. You should talk to your doctor about which method of starting the pill is best for you. (I take the pill and I am even confused by this....jesus. )
You Should Not Take The Pill If You:
· Smoke and are over the age of 35. (eh - when I smoked I took those bad boys and I turned out fine. Not condoning smoking by all means, but please don't let that be an excuse as to why you can't take them. This includes smoking in all forms - pot, crack, hash, whatever - a non-pregnant crackhead is much better than a preganant one with a crack baby on the way)
· Have unexplained vaginal bleeding.
· Have breast cancer.
· Have liver problems.
· Have high blood pressure or cholesterol levels.
· Have a history of blood clots.
· Are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant. (the pill is not a form of abortion.....idiots)
The cost of birth control pills vary from about $20-$35 dollars a month depending on who you get them from and whether the pills are generic or nongeneric. This price does not include the cost of the doctor’s examination needed to get a prescription for birth control pills. If you are concerned about the price, you can try going to clinics, such as Planned Parenthood, because they often provide their services at lower prices. ( or no cost....)
What If I Throw Up After Taking The Pill?
If you throw up less than two hours after taking a pill you should take another one. DO NOT take a pill from the same pack! Instead, always keep an extra package of pills on hand and take the pills from this package. (try not to vomit- I do not think Planned Parenthood will provide you with the "EXTRA PACK" mentioned above....if you are bulimic...you should seek an alternative and STOP BINGE EATING!)
If you throw up for an entire day or more try to stay on track wih taking the pill and use a backup method of birth control during the time that you are sick until a week after you get better. (Call the TROJAN MAN....he will help you out)
What If I Want To Get Pregnant?
You can become pregnant immediately after you stop taking the pill, even though your cycles may not be regular for a few months. Despite the fact that it is safe to get pregnant right away, it may be a good a idea to wait until your cycles are regular because it makes it easier for your physician to estimate the due date of your baby (Also - please wait until you can (a) afford to have a child and (b) are old enough to care for one on your own)
Who's smokin' my hash??!!!
Ah, 16 and Pregnant - isn't that a Lifetime movie? Reminds me of my hometown - I swear, western CO was the breeding ground for teenage mothers. I managed to escape, somehow...
now this post is by far the best. thank you for finally voicing this controversial topic. :/ i hate kids. more than that, i hate kids having kids. double hate. anyways, good blog! i forgot my user name and password from when you first started this site. sorry...
Thanks KDG
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