People who wear fur, fake or real, should not be allowed to ride the ‘Chro. Do they have any idea how much space a fur coat takes up? Two women wearing the exact same fur-lined puffy coat stood next to me on the OC. Awkward…ha ha ha. Their hoods were taking up the most space, and this one guy who was on the other side of them started sneezing – in fact, he sneezed from Rosslyn to FogBot, then started up again from FogBot to Farragut W. Poor guy – didn’t know people could be allergic to tackiness. Yes, I think fur-lined puffy coats are tacky. Us regular folk should leave all that tackiness to the Olsen twins - even Mr. Blackwell agrees!
On another note – who has some information for me on these Circulator busses?? They look nice, and who knows, I might actually lift my ban on riding busses if their route goes to A-town. Fo’ shizzle.
I might go all tourista-like on Sunday and hit The Mall, so there could be a really good post about the touristas. Sunday, I hope you’re ready for me! Ha ha ha.
(BTW, I was impressed with my post yesterday – thought it was one of my best. And I’m in the mood to toot my own horn. At least S acknowledged it…heart u! And I totally dig how S blends the colors for stations with more than one line – I’m starting that too!)
B- you rock! And I prob. would have started sneezing too - although I do own a coat with a fur collar......and a fake black one....and a gray one....ok - I am tacky!
Eh, to each their own! If you wanna be an Olsen (or a Skeletwin, as PITNB says!), go right ahead - you know I'll still heart u! :)
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