Hell yeah it is, regardless of the bloody lip and the mess I woke up to Sunday morning. It was all-good. This led me to confirm my resolution of not to drink a bottle of gin to have a good time. It’s pretty sad when you wake up and you have no clue why your face is bloody. Aside from that incident, I think everyone had a good time.
Since B did its my turn:
1. Stop drinking during the week or not to the point of inebriation – be able to at least take the sleep meds, Sunday through Thursday so I can function like a normal human being and not have to fill the world in on what Lifetime Movie was on at 3:00 AM.
2. Run the Cherry Blossom 10-miler in April as a training run for my next resolution.
3. Run the Rock and Roll Marathon in June for Team in Training and Katie! Great cause and for a wonderful person who touched the hearts of many people while she was with us.
4. Be a better friend and wife. Don’t take things for granted and appreciate the things you have and the people you care about.
5. Get my motorcycle and start riding (although this may not be a great idea before the marathon just in case – I would hate to hurt myself and not be able to run). What’s the point of having your motorcycle license and no bike…I have been trying to figure that out for months too.
6. And the petty thing – have a least a 4 pack again by the time I run this marathon and start eating better (again).
Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful time. And I look forward to going back to work tomorrow – even though I was supposed to be there today but am too vain to go out in public with a fat lip. I figure tomorrow the swelling will have gone down enough to mask it with lipstick. Later!
F Suzuki...you need this baby.
Cmon only 1 bottle of Gin!!!(lightweight) Sounds like it was a good thing I wasnt there. As your trainer for the upcoming marathon I suggest we limit the alcohol intake to a half bottle while you are in training. However buying the bike may be a good idea its probably safer than sliding across the floor on your lip. In all seriousness Im glad your ok and sorry I wasnt there to ring in the New Year with you all.
sorry, had to post that link again, this bike is a wet dream and must be seen...
C-dawg - You are the bestest trainer in the world! Now we'll see if you train me as well as you did John by tracking me on the computer :)
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