The other day (Monday, actually, the day of the Empty ‘Chro), I saw an advertisement on the train that directed you to the WMATA website to check out a video on proper etiquette while riding the ‘Chro with service dogs (here it is:, just click on the link in the story). Now, while I think it’s great that the DVA is taking the initiative to educate the public, does this remind anyone other than me of the don’t-use-the-hair-dryer-in-the-bathtub warning? I mean, isn’t it pretty obvious that these dogs are performing a much needed service, and people should respect that? Think of that dog as a non-impaired person helping an impaired person – would you pet that person, or step on them as though they weren’t even there? I mean, c’mon…maybe the New Year’s resolution for half the people in this city (especially the ones in that video, for chrissake) should have been to become more aware of your surroundings. Granted, people sometimes put rude and inappropriate signs on their service dogs (the title of this post, for example, was a sign on a dog that H saw), but if it gets the point across to all the IDIOTS out there who take for granted the intelligence of those dogs, then more power to ‘em! R-E-S-P-E-C-T, dammit!
Ok, now on to a lighter topic – can you believe that WMATA is actually doing this:, or this article in the Post: - you might have to *subscribe* to the online version of the Post, but it’s free, so shut the F up. I would love to enter this contest, but I threw away my Barbie™ tape recorder with the little microphone when I graduated from junior high. Also, there’s no way I would be able to keep it “polite, authoritative and serious” – I’d prolly be all like “Stand back, biatches, or the doors are gonna close on your ass! Y’all better recognize!” Or something like that…well, good luck to whomever enters, and I hope you don’t regret doing this and having to hear your voice everyday during your commute to work… I just feel sorry for Sandy, the woman whose voice they’ve been using for almost 10 years. Is she having a voice-retirement party? Maybe S could throw it for her – God knows she provides enough food at her parties to feed all of Southern Maryland…but you know I heart u, S, and the leftovers are always appreciated by a single chica on a limited income.
A final note: check out the intro to the WMATA website (use this link to see it – Damn right it “opens doors to entertainment” – that pretty much justifies mine and S’s reasons for starting this blog! Hee hee...
Until tomorrow…
Why don't they hire a celebrity like Christopher Walken?
Or Jay Mohr? He does a pretty good Christopher Walken...
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