Due to the foundation-shaking wind, I decided not to go to The Mall today. Instead, I watched Peyton humiliate himself – UGH, that was heartbreaking to watch. Thank GOD the Mountain Man had a stellar game last night – Go Broncos, beat Ben Rothelisjhosighs (or whatever the F his name is) next weekend and take it to Detroit!
Speaking of dust in the wind, I read an article today in the Post about our good friend Mr. White and his severance package (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/14/AR2006011400952.html). Six figures to start, then an additional 6 figures EVERY YEAR? And all this because 9 years ago, he was in high demand, and wouldn’t agree to anything less. This is just too ridiculous to comment on – I’ll let you all make your own call on this, and hopefully, you’re all saying “WTF??” You know what this means, right? Trip fare is going to go up so WE can pay for this. Ugh ugh UGH. I think my favorite part of the article was where the reporter was listing a few of the “embarrassing incidents” on the ‘Chro that led to Mr. White’s “resignation”: “mismanagement of its service for the disabled, a subway crash and the arrest of a pregnant woman for talking too loudly on her cell phone.” Now, the first two seem to be legitimate reasons; however, I’m a little stumped as to how the third incident qualified. Granted, arresting the woman was WAY over the top, but still – pregnancy does not give you the right to act obnoxious and totally disregard showing any respect to your fellow riders. I actually had the balls once to say to a man, after he got off a very loud phone conversation regarding where to meet someone, “You should’ve insisted on the first place you suggested – the place you’re going now is TOTALLY overrated.” HA – nah, I didn’t really say that, but that’s how it went in my head…and furthermore, the crash wasn’t Mr. White’s fault – it was the conductor’s responsibility. I guess that goes with our tendency to blame the person in the highest position of power versus the person who’s actually at fault. Whatevs – in the end, I think it’s ridiculous that he’s getting such a ridiculously large amount of money.
Speaking again of supposed dust in the wind, I’m super-excited for the season premiere of 24 tonight – looks like Jack Is Back!!! Yay!! I heart that alcoholic actor!!
Peace out,
"Can you sign this bread for my brother? He loves you man!"
"Can you sign this bread for my brother? He loves you man!"
"Can you sign this bread for my brother? He loves you man!"
His brother sucks, too. 4 picks?
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