Wednesday, December 21, 2005

DCDivas' Wish List

It's all about the accessories this year!!


Anonymous said...

You forgot the Louis Vuitton and Prada, Jimmy Choos and La dear.

Anonymous said...

True, but we musn't get greedy - I just listed the necessities...

DC Divas said...

Whats the quote? "Golddigger, like a hooker, just smarter". Yeah why do you think I own that sticker??? HA

Anonymous said...

tis not smart to make comments like that before Xmas!

Anonymous said...

Santa G - Seriously. Maybe you should just get me know I deserve it.


Anonymous said...

S, don't be so hard on yo'self - you deserve more than you know. And if you get coal, I should too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks B! Thats why you are the bestest!

Anonymous said...

Now, one might ask - would a skilled and successful golddigger need such a sticker?

Anonymous said...

Yes - A true GD at heart would not need a sticker - thats why I have only shown it to a few close friends

Anonymous said...

Yes - A true GD at heart would not need a sticker - thats why I have only shown it to a few close friends